Hands Across the Sea - Multiply Kindness ~ Silk Thread Kit
Multiply Kindness is an original design sampler from Hands Across the Sea.
The stitches used are cross stitch over two threads, satin stitches for the centre of some flower head (the satin stitches can be replaced with cross stitch) and some straight stitches for the flower stamens.
Choice of purchasing thread kit only, Printed Chart only or as full kit with linen.
Full Kit options:
Includes linen of choice, Chart Booklet + Soie d'Alger or Soie 1003 threads (+Free Shipping).
Linen Choices:
- 30 ct Fat Half - Victoria Sponge Cake -35" x 36" ~ Recommended for Soie d'Alger Threads only
- 37 ct Fat Half Russian Tea Cake- 35" x 36" ~ Recommended for both Soie d'Alger and Soie 1003 threads
- 38 ct Fat Half - Fuller's Teazel - 35" x 36" ~ Recommended for both Soie d'Alger and Soie 1003 threads
- 45 ct Fat Half -Jersey Cream - 35" x 36" ~ Recommended for Soie 1003 Threads
Thread Options:
Au Ver a Soie®, Soie d'Alger - 37 ct version includes 25 skeins. Recommended linen for this thread is 38 ct or lower.
Au Ver a Soie®, Soie d'Alger - 30 ct version includes 31 skeins. Recommended linen for this thread is 37 ct or lower.
SDF 122 ~ Turquoise ~ light
SDF 236 ~ Forest green ~ dark
SDF 631 ~ Pumpkin ~ pale
SDF 1315 ~ Grape ~ dark
SDF 1342 ~ Blueberry
SDF 1344 ~ Blue violet dark
SDF 1723 ~ Turquoise
SDF 1746 x 2 ~ Turquoise ~ very dark (3 skeins for 30 ct)
SDF 1836 x 2 ~ Pistachio green ~ dark
SDF 2125 ~ Avocado green ~ light (2 skeins for 30 ct)
SDF 2144 ~ Olive green (3 skeins for 30 ct)
SDF 2532 ~ Straw ~ light
SDF 2643 ~ Apricot ~ medium
SDF 2924 x 2 ~ Christmas red (4 skeins for 30 ct)
SDF 3024 ~ Cranberry ~ dark
SDF 3046 ~ Mauve ~ medium
SDF 3322 ~ Lavender ~ pale
SDF S3596 ~ Desert sand ~ light
SDF 4622 ~ Salmon
SDF 4623 ~ Rose ~ deep
SDF 4633 ~ Antique mauve ~ light
SDF 4634 ~ Antique mauve ~ medium
Au Ver a Soie®, Soie 1003 includes 22 spools. Recommended linen for this thread is 37 ct or higher.
SMS 002 ~ Turquoise ~ light
SMS 038 ~ Apricot ~ medium
SMS 061 ~ Forest green ~ dark
SMS 067 ~ Antique mauve ~ medium
SMS 077 ~ Salmon
SMS 088 ~ Desert sand ~ light
SMS 124 ~ Antique mauve ~ light
SMS 133 ~ Grape ~ dark
SMS 148 ~ Straw ~ light
SMS 152 ~ Olive green
SMS 223 ~ Mauve ~ medium
SMS 307 ~ Rose ~ deep
SMS 362 ~ Blueberry
SMS 474 ~ Lavender ~ pale
SMS 478 ~ Pumpkin ~ pale
SMS 605 ~ Turquoise
SMS 619 ~ Cranberry ~ dark
SMS 647 ~ Avocado green ~ light
SMS 656 ~ Pistachio green ~ dark
SMS 681 ~ Christmas red
SMS 690 ~ Blue violet ~ dark
SMS 710 ~ Turquoise ~ very dark
***Please note, this item is excluded from any discounts or sales.
About the Sampler from the Designer
"Why an original design versus a reproduction sampler? Since I first started to collect antique samplers, I have obsessively searched for multiplication samplers, but I have never come across the one that made my heart sing and my fingers itch to stitch. Whilst I have a few in my collection, none of them called to me to stitch them.
It was a colourful multiplication table sampler that caught my eye back in the 1980s that led to me stitching my first sampler. Whilst in a dentist’s waiting room, I picked up a magazine and came across an article which featured an interview with Moria Blackburn. There were many photographs of Moria’s beautiful designs, but one particular sampler stood out – a large colourful multiplication table sampler. I immediately wanted to take up stitching and recreate the sampler for my son. My journey with cross stitch and samplers was about to begin.
Within days I visited a needlework store and, whilst I could not find the chart for the multiplication table sampler, I came away with a kit to stitch my first sampler. Several years later, I had stitched all the samplers that Moira had charted but not the multiplication table sampler. After exhausting Moria’s portfolio of work, I went in search of other designers and discovered the needlework community and blogs. It was then that the world of needlework with its beautiful linens and glorious silks flung open its doors and my deep love of samplers worked in centuries past bloomed. This in turn led me to collect samplers and to research their history. A few years later, Hands Across the Sea Samplers released its first reproduction sampler.
Shortly after HATS’ first release, I entered into correspondence with Moria and discovered that the multiplication table sampler featured in the magazine was not one of her own designs but another designer’s. The sampler had caught her eye too, and she had stitched it for her children!"

Hands Across the Sea - Eliz. Fitch 1797 ~ Soie 1003 Thread Kit
Eliz Fitch, 1787 is an pretty historical sampler from Hands Across the Sea Samplers.
Elizabeth executed her sampler predominantly with cross stitches laid over two threads of linen; only the verse has been worked in cross stitch over one thread of linen.
The project is suitable for needleworkers of all levels of ability.
Kit Options :
Choice of purchasing thread only or as full kit with linen.
Full Kit options:
Includes linen + 8 spools of Soie 1003 thread and 2 Tapestry Size 10 Beading Needles + Free Shipping (Gift with Purchase)
Linen Choices:
- 37 ct Fat Eighth - Russian Tea Cake - 17.5" x 18"
- 45 ct Fat Eighth - Jersey Cream- 17.5" x 18"
- 53/63 ct Fat Eighth Gothic Ivory - 18" x 29"
8 Spools of Au Ver a Soie®, Soie 1003 Includes:
SMS 025 ~Blue green
SMS 147 ~ Old gold
SMS 199 ~ Olive green
SMS 252 ~ Dusty rose
SMS 274 ~ Khaki green
SMS 621 ~ Grey green
SMS 634 ~ Hazelnut brown
SMS 743 ~ Beige brown
***Please note, this item is excluded from any discounts or sales.
About the Sampler from Nicola Parkman:
"What a pretty sampler Elizabeth stitched when she was just ten years old. The young child finished her sampler on Wednesday, October 4, 1797 – some 226 years ago. It was such a long time ago.
At first glance, one might think that Elizabeth’s sampler was stitched in Norfolk due to the beautiful floral outer border and the lozenge-shaped inner border. Even the chosen verse was very popular on Norfolk samplers. Elizabeth’s sampler was actually stitched in the county of Essex, which is separated from Norfolk by the county of Suffolk. Elizabeth Fitch was born in 1787 at Helions Bumpstead in Essex. This small village is located near Haverhill, and it is where the Essex, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire borders meet. What we are seeing in her sampler are whispers of Norfolk and Suffolk samplers."

Hands Across the Sea - Minnie Standlake, 1897 ~ a Little Gem ~ Soie 1003 Thread Kit
Minnie Standlake, 1897 is little gem sampler from Hands Across the Sea Samplers.
Minnie's sampler is suitable for needleworkers of all abilities. The stitches used are cross stitch over two threads.
**Please note, Sampler Thread Kit does not include chart.Purchase is required separately on Hands Across the Sea
Kit Options :
Choice of purchasing thread only or as full kit.
Full Kit option:
Includes linen + 2 spools of Soie 1003 thread and 2 Tapestry Size 10 Beading Needles (Gift with Purchase)
Linen Choices:
- 38 ct Fat Eighth - Fuller's Teazel - 18" x 17.5"
- 45 ct Fat Eighth - Foxtail Millet - 18" x 17.5"
- 53/63 ct Fat Eighth Sycamore Seed Pod - 18" x 29"
2 Spools of Au Ver a Soie®, Soie 1003 Includes:
107 Christmas red
703 Antique blue ~ dark
***Please note, this item is excluded from any discounts or sales.
About the Sampler from Nicola Parkman:
"Minnie’s sweet sampler certainly stood out for us as an example of a child’s needlework. Using only two colours, the twelve-year-old child recorded her alphabet in the upper and lower case, her numbers through 1 to 10, and a verse taken from Exodus 20:12.
“Honour thy father and mother that thy days may belong upon the land and which the Lord thy God giveth thee”.

Hands Across the Sea - Jane Surtees, 1811 - Soie d'Alger Thread Kit
Jane Surtees, 1811 is a lovely sampler from Hands Across the Sea.
Kit Options :
Choice of purchasing thread only, Printed Chart Booklet or as full kit.
Full Kit Options:
Includes linen of choice, Printed Chart Booklet + 10 skeins of Soie d'Alger thread and 2 Tapestry Size 26 Needles (Gift with Purchase)
Linen Choices:
- 30 ct Fat Quarter of Victoria Sponge Cake - 18" x 35"
- 37 ct Fat Quarter of Russian Tea Cake - 17.5" by 35"
10 skeins of Au Ver a Soie®, Soie d'Alger Kit Includes:
- SDF 2543 ~ Straw ~ light
- SDF 2914 ~ Salmon
- SDF 2926 ~ Garnet ~ medium
- SDF 3733 ~ Olive green ~ medium
- SDF 3735 x 2 ~ Avocado green ~ very dark
- SDF 3831 ~ Beige grey ~ medium
- SDF 4214 ~ Golden brown ~ dark
- SDF 5022 ~ Blue green ~ light
- SDF Noir ~ Black
***Please note, this item is excluded from any discounts or sales.
About the Sampler from Nicola Parkman:
"In the family history records there are several possible Janes all from the great northern counties of England. The North of England or “Up North”, as anyone south of the Midlands calls it, has a distinct feel from “Down South”; it is an area that inspires. It has a stunning landscape filled with ancient castles, unspoilt beaches, rolling hills, attractive dales, rugged moorland, peatlands, tumbling upland rivers, and a cultural heritage all of its own.
Jane was born when Great Britain was ruled by the Hanoverians. By 1811, George III had reigned for some 51 years. The verse Jane chose to painstakingly stitch on her sampler seems so apt for George’s life."

Hands Across the Sea - Elizabeth Atkinson 1829 - Soie 1003 Thread Kit
Elizabeth Atkinson, 1829 is another beautiful sampler from Hands Across the Sea.
The sampler has been rated as suitable for needleworkers of all abilities. The stitches used are cross stitch over one and two threads and Algerian eyelets.
Kit Options :
Choice of purchasing thread only OR as full kit.
Full Kit options:
Includes linen of choice + 15 spools of Soie 1003 thread, Printed Chart and 2 Tapestry Size 10 Beading Needles (Gift with Purchase + Free Shipping)
Linen Choices:
- 37 ct Fat Half of Corn Tassel - 35" x 36"
- 38 ct Fat Half of Fuller’s Teazel - 35" x 36"
- 45 ct Fat Quarter of Foxtail Millet - 18" x 35"
- 45 ct Fat Quarter of Wildbird Seed - 18" x 35"
- 53/63 ct Fat Eighth of Sycamore Seed Pod - 18" x 29"
15 spools of Au Ver a Soie®, Soie 100/3 Kit Includes:
SMS 022 x 1 Golden olive
SMS 048 x 1 Golden olive ~ very dark
SMS 093 x 1 Desert sand
SMS 108 x 1 Fern green
SMS 109 x 1 Garnet ~ medium
SMS 211 x 1 Beige brown ~ ultra light
SMS 223 x 1 Mauve ~ dark
SMS 293 x 1 Orange spice ~ dark
SMS 401 x 1 Brown grey ~ very light
SMS 468 x 1 Grey green ~ medium
SMS 486 x 1 Antique blue ~medium
SMS 494 x 1 Salmon ~ medium
SMS 681 x 1 Salmon ~ very dark ***will be substituted with 664
SMS 705 x 1 Fern green ~ dark
SMS 707 x 1 Green grey ~ dark
About the Sampler from Nicola Parkman:
"“Make much of precious time” Elizabeth most certainly did in the year 1829 when she finished this delightful sampler. Stitched with a cheerful palette of 15 colours including a mouth-watering orange which sits so well against the glowing reds, pretty pinks, restful blues, rich greens and golden olives. Her colours caught our eye together with her sweet motifs.

Hands Across the Sea - Mary Ann Diaper, 1826 - Soie 1003 Thread Kit
Mary Ann Diaper, 1826 is a sampler from Hands Across the Sea - at only at only eight years of age, finished her sampler in the year 1826. Mary Ann’s sampler has been rated as suitable for confident beginners through to advanced needleworkers.
**Please note, Sampler Kit does not include chart. Purchase is required separately on Hands Across the Sea.**
Kit Options :
Choice of purchasing thread only OR as full kit.
Full Kit options:
Includes linen of choice + 27 spools of Soie 1003 threads and 2 Tapestry Size 10 Beading Needles (Gift with Purchase)
Linen Choices:
- 37 ct Fat Half of Corn Tassel -35" x 36"
- 38 ct Fat Half of Fuller's Teazel - 35" x 36"
- 45 ct Fat Half of Foxtail Millet - 35" x 36"
- 53/63 ct Fat Eight of Sycamore Seed Pod - 18" x 29"
27 spools of Au Ver a Soie®, Soie 100/3 Kit Includes:
- SMS 071 ~ Pewter ~ very light
- SMS 080 ~ Tan ~ultra very light
- SMS 131 ~ Mauve ~ light
- SMS 156 ~ Tan
- SMS 211 ~ Tawny ~ light
- SMS 224 ~ Autumn gold ~ light - ** SMS 147 may be substituted**
- SMS 252 ~ Dusty rose ~ ultra very dark
- SMS 264 ~ Dusty rose
- SMS 425 ~ Hazelnut brown ~ light
- SMS 427 ~ Antique blue ~ light
- SMS 455 ~ Golden olive ~ very dark
- SMS 492 ~ Hazelnut brown ~ dark
- SMS 562 ~ Drab brown ~ very light
- SMS 576 ~ Brown grey ~ dark
- SMS 580 ~ Drab brown ~ light
- SMS 499 ~ Garnet
- SMS 603 x 2 ~ Drab brown
- SMS 624 ~ Brown grey ~ very dark
- SMS 665 ~ Orange spice ~ light
- SMS 666 ~ Shell grey ~ dark
- SMS 681 ~ Christmas red
- SMS 684 ~ Christmas red ~ light
- SMS 686 ~ Red copper ~ dark
- SMS 712 ~ Grey green ~ light
- SMS Blanc ~ Winter white
- SMS Noir ~ Black
***Please note, this item is excluded from any discounts or sales.
About the Sampler from Nicola Parkman:
“Mary Ann, at only eight years of age, finished her sampler in the year 1826. An amazing achievement for one so young!
The sampler has been mainly executed in cross stitch over two linen threads with a small amount of cross stitch over one linen thread for the verse and dedication. There is a small amount of satin stitch. Mary Ann’s sampler has been rated as suitable for confident beginners through to advanced needleworkers."

Hands Across the Sea - Amelia Bachelor 1863 ~ Soie 1003 Thread Kit
Amelia Bachelor 1863 is another delightful small sampler from Hands Across the Sea Samplers.
This sampler has been worked with cross stitch over 2 strands of linen. The project is suitable for needleworkers of all levels of ability.
Kit Options :
Choice of purchasing thread only, Printed Chart only or as full kit with linen.
Full Kit option:
Includes linen + 8 spools of Soie 1003 thread, Printed Chart Booklet and 2 Tapestry Size 10 Beading Needles + Free Shipping (Gift with Purchase)
Linen Choices:
- 37 ct Fat Eighth - Russian Tea Cake - 18" 17.5"
- 37 ct Fat Eighth - Corn Tassel - 18" x 17.5"
- 45 ct Fat Eighth - Jersey Cream - 18" x 17.5"
- 45 ct Fat Eighth - Foxtail Millet - 18" x 17.5"
- 53/63 ct Fat Eighth - Gothic Ivory - 18" x 29"
8 Spools of Au Ver a Soie®, Soie 1003 Includes:
- SMS 022 ~ Golden olive ~ light
- SMS 079 ~ Avocado green ~ medium
- SMS 152 ~ Moss green
- SMS 335 ~ Terracotta ~ very dark
- SMS 338 ~ Shell grey ~ dark
- SMS 468 ~ Grey green ~ medium
- SMS 499 ~ Garnet
- SMS 628 ~ Black brown
***Please note, this item is excluded from any discounts or sales.
About the Sampler from Nicola Parkman:
"Amelia has left us some clues in her sampler which she completed in 1863. She attended Berkswell School. The village of Berkswell is situated 7 miles West of Coventry City centre.
Amelia’s birth was registered in the first quarter of the year 1852. We cannot find her baptismal records, only the entry in the civil registration of births. Amelia appears in the 1861 census living at Cornets End Lane, Meriden, Berkswell. Her father, Thomas Batchelor, had died in 1860. Her mother, Ann (née Bond), is noted as a widow and the occupier of two acres of land. Amelia’s brother William, aged 11 years, was working as a ploughboy. Ann died in 1873.
Amelia stitched her sampler between 10 to 11 years of age, almost certainly under the guidance of her teacher at Berkswell School. Amelia probably had to leave school shortly after this to help contribute to the family income."

Hands Across the Sea - Mary Ann Ragg, 1826 Soie 1003 Thread Kit
Mary Ann Ragg, 1826 is another delightful antique sampler from Hands Across the Sea.
Mary Ann stitched her sampler mainly with cross stitch over two threads of linen. The verse and dedication have been worked with cross stitch over one thread of linen. The sampler has been rated as suitable for all levels of ability.
Kit Options :
Choice of purchasing thread only, printed chart only OR as full kit.
Full Kit options:
Includes linen of choice + 17 spools of Soie 1003 thread, + Printed chart booklet and 2 Tapestry Size 10 Beading Needles (Gift with Purchase) - Free Shipping included
Linen Choices:
- 37 ct Fat Half of Corn Tassel - 35" x 36"
- 38 ct Fat Half of Fuller's Teazel - 35" x 36"
- 45 ct Fat Quarter of Foxtail Millet - 18" x 35"
- 53/63 ct Fat Eighth of Sycamore Seed Pod - 18" x 29"
Au Ver a Soie®, Soie 1003 kit Includes:
SMS 048 ~ Hazelnut brown ~ very dark
SMS 072 ~ Blue green ~ medium
SMS 080 ~ Tan ~ ultra very light
SMS 107 ~ Christmas red
SMS 209 ~ Blue green ~ very dark
SMS 222 ~ Mauve ~ dark
SMS 242 ~ Brown ~ very light
SMS 274 ~ Olive green ~ very dark
SMS 303 ~ Golden olive
SMS 329 ~ Golden olive ~ light
SMS 344 ~ Salmon
SMS 376 ~ Antique mauve ~ medium dark
SMS 378 ~ Avocado green ~ very dark
SMS 674 ~ Straw
SMS 684 ~ Burnt orange ~ red
SMS 688 ~ Turquoise ~ dark
SMS 773 ~ Pewter grey ~ very dark
***Please note, this item is excluded from any discounts or sales.
About the Sampler from Nicola Parkman:
"Mary Ann Ragg recorded that she was 12 years old in 1826 when she finished her sampler. However, this is not the only clue to her identity that she left behind. The pastoral scene, red building, mature cedar trees, birds, and cartouche are characteristic to samplers stitched in the city of Sheffield.
Several years ago, Hands Across the Sea Samplers reproduced another sampler that was stitched in Sheffield, Elizabeth Furniss. Whilst researching this sampler, we discovered five girls who stitched very similar samplers. They all lived within 1 square mile of each other; in the ensuing years we found several more.
Many of these girls were baptised in the Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul. We believe that the girls shared the same needlework teacher, and all probably attended Darnall School (assuming that the teacher taught in the same school between 1816 and 1844)."